Monday, November 10, 2014

Hello Family!

Hello Family!
   What is up errbody? Sorry I am writing later. We went to the library like normal but there were too many people there. So we went to the mall instead, and there were too many people there. So then we tried a Lebanese restaurant. And there were too many people there too! Just kidding, we just ate lunch there. And man was it good! It was my second time going there, but I was on an exchange, so this time I had to take my companion. So instead of emailing we just ate some really good food. But then we just went to the church to email, so here I am now! A team of elders was here using the computers so we had to wait a little bit, so I went and played basketball in the gym. Turns out I am still super good. Haha just kidding, I'm not now and never was that great. But I still love it, so  that's what counts! 
   This week was a little bit slower it seemed like, but it was still good. I have way too much to be thankful for to start complaining about a slower week. Sometimes we just need those little reminders to be thankful. Too bad Thanksgiving in Cranada already passed! But I can still celebrate American Thanksgiving here too if I want. Maybe I should buy a turkey. We'll see. 
   We had some normal lessons like we usually do. We really get to work with some sweet people here. We did some service for two ladies this week. raking leaves and getting the lawns cleaned and whatnot. Everyone is preparing for the snow and the "winter" here. I say "winter" because I really just don't know if there is a crazy winter here. Everyone says there is, but I can't trust anyone these days. I tried my best not to come into the mission, Cranada, or my area with any expectations, but a lot of people told me how it was going to be. And so far... everyone lied. Haha not really everyone, but a few people. So I am just waiting to see if everyone lied about it being cold here. I just hope people like JW Henrie are reading this and laughing, knowing that I am in for a nice surprise. Because if it really does get super cold it will be the first thing that was actually how people said it was going to be! I really hope it just drops a wall of snow one of these days. That way I can test out my new coat and boots! But it might be harder to work in the winter because people might be inside more. But that's ok! You just do what you have to do I suppose. Anyway, I will keep you all updated about the winters, because nothing is more thrilling than the weather!
   People keep asking about how French is coming.. That is a good question. I have no idea, because for me it's like, "compared to what?" But I guess if it was on a scale of 2 to 9, 2 being the most fluent of fluent of French speakers and 9 being "no hablo espanol" (haha get it, not even French or English), I'm about a 4? Just kidding, that was pure confusing and only like one person would really get the joke I just made. On a scale of 1-10 one being no good, ten being perfect I am probably like a 5? Haha I really don't know. I make phone calls on my own and lead areas when a greenie can't speak or understand, but I still know there is a lot that I don't understand, and I still lean on my comp too much because she just likes to talk anyway. But there has definitely been some huge progression. It is just hard for me to see it because it's me and not someone else, you know? This will be my comp and I's last transfer together because she is going home. So change will be good, I feel pretty ready for that. I just don't want the area to fall at all. And it's hard because she has been here for almost a year and everyone loves her because she is awesome, so I just don't want people to stop seeing us once she is gone. But the change will be good I think. And who knows, I might not even stay here. I hope I do though, I love Longueuil. But yeah, a new companion will bring some new ideas, so that will help because we are trying to find some new investigators right now. We are kind of struggling in that department. But it's all good because we are so blessed and things just keep going on. The Lord still blesses us, even if we don't have as many investigators as we used to. 
   I feel bad but this week just wasn't too eventful... We are starting our three week exhange palooza this week though! So hopfeully next pday I will have cooler things to write. I love you all and am glad that you are still safe and happy! Until next Monday!

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